Dust Collectors
Solutions for All Kinds of Applications. Dust collection is an essential part of almost every industrial operation. The presence of dust in the work place can easily become an issue of health and safety depending on the severity. Effective Controls East offers a complete line of high efficiency dust control systems to solve indoor dust problems.

Cartridge Dust Collectors
Versatility and Efficiency. Cartridge dust collectors offer the highest filtration efficiency and are ideal for the collection of fine to medium sized dust particles. These dust collection units provide the maximum amount of filter area within a compact cabinet. Equipped with automatic filter cleaning, cartridge collectors deliver the dust directly to the disposal receptacle and thus require very little maintenance. Cartridge dust collectors are effective for grinding, sanding, welding, blasting, metal fabrication, powder coating, and more; they are available in various configurations, including stationary, portable, downdraft table, and containment booth. Effective Controls East offers cartridge collectors from Airflow Systems, Filter-1, Sternvent, and Airex.

Portable Systems
Source Capture Right Where It's Needed. Portable dust collectors offer the outstanding combination of compact cartridge collection, push-button automatic filter cleaning, and the E-Z Arm(R) high-flow extractor arm, all on wheels -- for service anywhere in the shop. The powerful PCH portable dust collector is easy to maneuver with its large casters and low center of gravity for stability, and provides excellent reach with its heavy-duty, 25-foot power cord. Our series of portable collectors from Airflow Systems are at work in a broad range of processes, including grinding, welding, soldering, mixing and blending, machining, chemical and food processing, pharmaceuticals, and woodworking.

Down Draft Dust Collectors
Easy-To-Use Dust Removal. Downdraft tables with integral dust collectors provide source capture with free movement of the worker over the entire work surface. The compact collector beneath the table works together with gravity to pull the dust down away from the worker's line of vision and breathing zone. Effective Controls East offers an excellent selection of downdraft tables from Airflow Systems and Filter 1, including dry collector cartridge downdraft tables, wet collector downdraft units, portable downdraft tables, panel filter downdraft tables for applications such as the woodworking industry, and laboratory downdraft tables.

Dust Control Booths
Environmental Control, Inside and Outside. Dust booths offer the combined advantage of containing contaminants within the booth enclosure, preventing migration to adjacent areas, while also improving the worker's air quality and visibility by providing effective dust collection within the booth. In addition, dust control booths may be equipped with dust-tight florescent lights, sound insulation, and a regain air system to further enhance capture velocity. Effective Controls East offers dust collection booths from Airflow Systems and Filter 1, including cartridge filter dust booths, panel filter booths, and wet collector booths.

Cyclone Dust Collectors
Heavy-Duty Dust Control. High velocity cyclone dust collectors are primarily used for the control of larger particulates generated by wood working, grinding and polishing operations. Particulates are centrifugally separated out of the air stream into an air tight container or through a rotary air lock where dust can be disposed of as required. Effective Controls East offers cyclone dust collectors from Sternvent, Filter 1, and Airex.

Shaker Style Dust Collectors
Strong Performance for Tough Jobs. Shaker style dust collectors use mechanical vibratory force to dislodge collected dust from the surface of the filters. They can be used for the control of dust from a wide variety of applications and offer either manual or automatic filter cleaning. Effective Controls East offers shaker style (bag house) collectors from Sternvent, Filter 1, and Airex.

Wet-Type Dust Collectors
Safe Collection of Explosive Dust. Wet dust collectors, with a water filter system, are the most suitable for applications that produce highly volatile dusts such as aluminum, magnesium or titanium. Features include an interior baffle, mist removal filters, automatic water fill, water inlet and drain connections. Effective Controls East offers wet dust collectors from Filter 1 in three configurations: ducted, downdraft table work station, and dust control booth.